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“The Scottish Parliament has been only a partial success, certainly less successful than campaigners hoped for at the onset in 1997. It can do better.”

Nigel Smith was “the most influential campaigner you’ve never heard of” and one of the architects of devolution. Two years after his untimely passing, his family have published his thoughts on the Scottish Parliament’s record – and how we can revive the “new politics”.
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We Have a Scottish Book Town. Why Not More?

The question is begged: if it worked for Wigtown, could it not work elsewhere too?
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Experimenting with drugs

There are lots of people in Scotland who know what they’re doing. The Scottish government need to give them money and get out of the way.
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Our Politics Has to Rise to the Occasion

Campaigning during May’s local elections, I found myself at the door of a small terraced house in Glasgow. The conversation I had with the woman who lived there, her children peeking round her legs to see who was at the door, has stayed with me in the months since.
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How To Fix The Energy Crisis

There’s nothing stopping Scotland from having lower energy bills and a carbon neutral future. To do so, we to need reform Britain’s energy union - not end it.
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The UK remains our best opportunity to contribute to the world

For those of us who believe in our responsibility as global citizens, the UK represents our best vehicle for influencing progressive change in the world.
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We will only achieve our goals if we work together

COP26 demonstrated once again that we cannot make change happen in the world without making it together. That’s why we’re calling for a COP UK to:

  • Agree common regulatory pathways
  • Distribute resources fairly, to support a fair transition across the UK
  • Bring together devolved authorities and nations, so that we can commit individually and collectively to carbon targets

Add your name and back our call for a COP UK.

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