The new First Minister and the Prime Minister can press the ‘reset’ button and seek to deliver more together on jobs, health and climate change in Scotland, a paper by Our Scottish Future argues today.
Continue readingSturgeon’s Resignation Gives Scotland a Chance to End the Political Poison
A queue of people see opportunities in Nicola Sturgeon’s departure. The real opportunity however comes not from her departure but its underlying cause. Scottish politics, locked in the endless Groundhog Day of Yes or No, may be ready to move on.
Continue readingOne Too Many
It is time that all the devolved Governments worked together to achieve a joined up Deposit Return Scheme.
Continue readingText of Tony Danker’s Speech
The speech delivered by Tony Danker today (10th Feb) at the “Building A Greater Glasgow” conference.
Continue readingText of Lord Sainsbury’s Speech
The speech delivered by Lord Sainsbury today (10th Feb) at the “Building A Greater Glasgow” conference.
Continue readingBrown: Make Glasgow Capital Of Precision Medicine
The UK and Scottish Governments should jointly commit to make Glasgow the global centre of Precision Medicine, one of the world’s fastest growing life science sectors, Gordon Brown has told a major conference today.
Continue readingBrown: Glasgow Can Be “Economic Superpower”
A MAJOR conference today will set out the case to establish Greater Glasgow’s position as one of the UK’s key economic clusters outside London.
Continue readingScotland “Has All The Ingredients But Lacks A Recipe” For Growth: Report
A Plan to Change Britain
Health Gap Leading to NHS Crisis
The poorest people in Scotland are 72% more likely to end up in hospital emergency beds than the richest, according to a major new study today which reveals the impact of Scotland’s health inequalities on the NHS.
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