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The Tricky Politics of Net Zero

Our weekly newsletter. This week: the politics of Net Zero and how Scotland could rejoin the EU.
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No, The UK Is Not a Unitary State

There’s been some pretty chaotic debate in the last week about the nature of Scotland’s place in the UK and relationship with it.
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Growth, Growth, Growth

The blunt bottom line is that it only is by finding ways to grow the economy, create jobs and add to our national wealth that we can find that extra £2.8bn which can keep public services afloat.
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Pump Up The Volume

Patrick Harvie's plan to boost heat pump use is right - but the SNP-Green government is failing to deliver because of bad policy implementation, writes Dr Peter Wood.
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Facing Up To Crisis Britain

The 48-hour NHS consultants’ strike in England this week provides further evidence of a service that has lost faith in itself.
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Angus MacNeil and the Narcissism of Small Differences

Instead the SNP relied too heavily on boosterism; on a belief that if desirable things we said often enough, they would magically happen. It relied too heavily on events, expecting events to continue to go in its favour. But then they stopped doing so. Then Nicola quit. And the camper van story came along. And lacking even the comfort of a strong leader in whom to believe, the party is now turning in on itself.
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We will only achieve our goals if we work together

COP26 demonstrated once again that we cannot make change happen in the world without making it together. That’s why we’re calling for a COP UK to:

  • Agree common regulatory pathways
  • Distribute resources fairly, to support a fair transition across the UK
  • Bring together devolved authorities and nations, so that we can commit individually and collectively to carbon targets

Add your name and back our call for a COP UK.

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